hell breaks loose

I’m pretty disgusted right now. Last night I receive a phone call that in my absence (while I’m stuck in London without net access*) there has been some infighting and general malady within the cheery bunch of friends called Crucible Design. Fact is, I guess, if we didn’t care we wouldn’t argue so much but … Continue reading “hell breaks loose”

I’m pretty disgusted right now. Last night I receive a phone call that in my absence (while I’m stuck in London without net access*) there has been some infighting and general malady within the cheery bunch of friends called Crucible Design. Fact is, I guess, if we didn’t care we wouldn’t argue so much but the end result is that CD has now been dealt a pretty harsh blow and I don’t know if it will recover. Not that I have any say over it as I’m only hearing things by proxy and haven’t actually seen the email mess that started this whole thing. There were harsh words said. I didn’t think it would be something like this that would kill CD – I’d thought it would be me being a primadonna or something like that – after all I’m the most vocal and usually the most abrasive. I also tend to be moody and frankly hell to be with most of the time.

In other news, watched CNN last night (I’m bored and in a hotel) and there was a report on fuel prices. Americans pay, on average, $1.51 per gallon and in some places the price is as low as $1.16. I pay, on average, 79 pence per litre. 79 pence is…about $1.29. So…I’m paying about the same for a litre of petrol as the yanks are paying for a gallon. Damn!


*wondering how I’m updating this if I don’t have net access? yaxJournal is a kewl offline journal writer…

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