Open Data

After not travelling long-distance for around 15 years, I found myself in San Francisco twice this year. San Francisco has many similarities to Belfast – a plethora of neighbourhoods, a strong history of civil rights activity and the majority of economic activity being firmly in the ‘S’ part of SME. San Francisco also has an … Continue reading “Open Data”

After not travelling long-distance for around 15 years, I found myself in San Francisco twice this year. San Francisco has many similarities to Belfast – a plethora of neighbourhoods, a strong history of civil rights activity and the majority of economic activity being firmly in the ‘S’ part of SME.

San Francisco also has an initiative to open City data such as crime statistics, restaurant health codes and municipal recycling information. This will be stored at Northern Ireland’s equivalent is the recently launched OpenDataNI initiaitve.

These efforts are aimed at the citizen as well as the entrepreneur. There’s nothing stopping a smart developer/designer from building and marketing a service that uses open data in a new and interesting way. Whether that’s directing individuals to recycling spots around the city or mixing school and crime data together with a property rental service (something I’m guessing we’ll see coming out of Propertypal judging by some of their recent tweets – smart guys!)

We already have some innovators in this arena and Momentum / Digital Circle is working to foster additional development. I’ve been working to develop the already exciting iPhone development community in Northern Ireland. DevDays in April attracted 155 people and Refresh Belfast last Monday got 90 people through the door focusing on iPhone Design despite a literally last minute venue mishap due to double-booking.

Momentum / Digital Circle are launching a Mobile Application Challenge in the coming weeks. The premise is to get folk out there displaying some of the work they are doing in Mobile Applications (featuring but not limited to iPhone development) and getting them in front of potential investors and also a potential audience. By focusing on the areas of Consumer, Health & Wellbeing, Public Service Value and Enterprise, we’re showing off some of the excellent work that goes on behind closed doors or under license to other companies in other countries. We’re putting together a series of workshops – highlighting design, Connected Health, applications which use the Cellular network and assistance in protection and exploitation of intellectual property.

For open data the possibilities are still yet to be realised and the OpenDataNI staff would love to hear more suggestions on data sources which would benefit the general public. What have we, the public, paid for and yet we don’t have access to?


From the Irish Times: IN RECENT months, The Irish Times has published a number of articles defending the €8.2 billion science budget in the current National Development Plan, but its striking that the practitioners of the hard sciences present few hard facts in its defence. Dreams of finding a new Nokia are fine but critics … Continue reading “NISW, MATRIX, HORIZON, ITASKFORCE – overload!”

From the Irish Times:

IN RECENT months, The Irish Times has published a number of articles defending the €8.2 billion science budget in the current National Development Plan, but its striking that the practitioners of the hard sciences present few hard facts in its defence. Dreams of finding a new Nokia are fine but critics question the over-reliance of a small country like Ireland, on university-driven basic research.

The Oireachtas has given little attention to reviewing the planned expenditure of €8.2 billion over the period 2007-2013, and last June, Taoiseach Brian Cowen announced a 28-strong innovation taskforce, packed with insider members from the universities and State agencies.

US venture capital-backed businesses use different people and procedures than the typical laboratory high-level research: they employ a much smaller proportion of PhDs in their technical staff, and their overall workforces contain a larger proportion of managers and sales and marketing staff – people who are close to users.

It would be foolish for Ireland to bank its future on a university lab or unquestionably accept the position of the various vested interests involved.

The first question I had while reading this was “Where’s our innovation task force?

Over the last months, I have toyed with the idea that Northern Ireland needs some strong, non-aligned leadership in a future digital economy and that should come in the form of a technocrat-think-tank. This is the independent body that our Ministers should be talking to when talking about the future of the Northern Ireland economy. They should come from all walks of life – biotech, greentech, digital content, software.

(And yes, I’d love to be part of that but I’m humble enough to know that my technical smarts are probably not up to scratch for this kind of thing.)

We do have the HORIZON panels – but since the report was published what’s happened. And if grassroots initiatives like NISW are going to find any traction with government, surely it’s going to need to include buy-in from groups like the HORIZON panel on ICT.

So…where do we go from here?

We start lighting fires.

Kirkisms: Funding by Numbers part 1

“US VC’s will give you a “no” in 20 mins, NI VC’s will give you a perpetual “come back when … “ I feel very privileged to say David Kirk is my friend. We’ve shared laughs and commiserations, broken bread at the two best Italian restaurants I have ever eaten in and talked family almost … Continue reading “Kirkisms: Funding by Numbers part 1”

“US VC’s will give you a “no” in 20 mins, NI VC’s will give you a perpetual “come back when … “

I feel very privileged to say David Kirk is my friend. We’ve shared laughs and commiserations, broken bread at the two best Italian restaurants I have ever eaten in and talked family almost as much as finance. He’s encouraged me in my latest inane scheme of owning a boat (by showing my pictures of his yacht) and tempted me with boozy cocktails in arid climates.

In this case, I’m giving him kudos not only because of his history of being a senior executive in companies like AOL and Cisco but because he’s also now a seasoned business advisor and serial investor. David sent me this, a part one of two, which attempts to explain how the Venture Capital system is meant to work from his point of view.

David begins:
Whether you are an entrepreneur or a VC – I like to think I have a foot in each camp – we live in interesting times. Barely a month goes by without a new report showing some “interesting” aspect of investment in 2008/2009, whether it be valuation multiples, return multiples, shift in investment stage focus or just the consolidation of funds out there.

While there is, and always will be, market specific conditions that free or freeze funds, the basics of investing in technology companies, remains somewhat constant, and should always be considered as the backdrop to any specific funding strategy.

When a company seeks funding, they are selling themselves and the investment opportunity that their business represents to the investor. I’m of the opinion that selling, whether it be ice cream or cars, is always much more effective when you really know your potential “customer” – their needs, their wants, what they look for, hot buttons, turn offs. Its no different with VC’s. It’s a business. We need to make money, just like you.

So how does it work?

The returns on any investment is governed by its risk. The riskier the investment, the higher the returns expected. Investing in technology startup companies is very risky. Failure rates of up to 90% are quoted. VC’s expect and plan for 60-70% of their portfolio companies to fail or limp along. Similarly, investors in venture funds – the Limited Partners – expect a corresponding higher return than safer investments. The US ten-year average returns (IRR) on all venture funds in ~17%.

At this point, the discerning reader has all the information needed to determine every ratio and “rule-of-thumb” that will follow. But there is need for a great big caveat. Presented here will be pro-forma numbers. I have never seen, nor heard of any business, investment opportunity or fund that mirrors exactly what is given here. The exactly numbers and ratios are somewhat interesting, more – much more – importantly are the ideas behind the numbers. Grasp these, and you’ll be able to apply the principles to any, real-world situation.

Right. Now that’s out of the way, back to arithmetic.

I’m a fund manager. I have ten portfolio companies. Being smart (i.e. I’ve lost money in the past) I’m planning for three of those companies to fail without returning anything, and three or four to “go nowhere” returning, perhaps, the money that was invested. That leaves three “winners” in the portfolio to generate all the returns for the limited partners, the “carry” for the General Partners, and to cover the management fees. That means that each of these “winners” has to return x10 – x15 the investment, to cover the “losers” and the “going nowhere”.

My personal rule of thumb is that an investment needs to return x7 – x10 my investment in 3-5 years.

OK. Next we need some discussion on how to calculate “return”. On one hand its very easy to calculate, but the simplicity in calculation, belies an ocean of “art” and “judgment” surrounding it. If my investment in a company buys me x% of equity, then my return is x% of the exit valuation $y. At this point, given two variables, it could almost appear that we can plug in whatever values for x and y we like, to come up with our investment multiple. Not quite. I look for 20%-25% equity in a company (but, full disclosure here, every investor and VC has their own perspective on this). Less and you lose “influence”, more and you risk demotivating the founders. But be very careful here, you’ll hear many times the argument, “would you like 80% of $1M business or 20% of a $100M business.”

Equity understood. Check!

What about valuation. This is where you will need to do your own analysis, based on industry, business model, geography, etc. In general, the exit valuate is based on a multiple of either revenue or profit. As an interesting sidebar, in the absence of both – as we experienced in 1999 – valuation of those dotcom darlings was $1M per developer. Science? Nay, magic eight ball. Over the past 15 years, predominantly in software, I’ve used smaller and smaller multiples. In the mid-90’s, x5 revenue seemed to fly with trade sales. Today I use x2, and even that is appearing to be generous. Exit or investment valuation is 90% art, 10% science and 100% negotiation. You need to understand this.

OK. At this point you should be able to answer the last question a VC asks “is this a good deal for me?” But there is one big variable that will depend upon whether you are looking for investment from a $1B fund or a $10M fund. That is scale and bandwidth. An individual VC can only adequately manage a handful (or two) of portfolio companies. If there are n VC’s in a $1B fund, then the average deal size is likely ($1B/10n)*.60 (where 60% is ration of funds invested initially). Calculate that out. Perhaps their sweet spot is $5M – and likely you can find this on the home page of their website. So now you have a very simple litmus test.

With a $5M investment (ignoring follow-on money), a 25% equity position, and an exit value of x2 revenue – the revenue in year 5 should be at least $100M.

Big gulp!!!

Part 2 will go into the first three things a VC looks for in an investment opportunity; a big market, a hot product, and a team that can deliver.

Creative Sandbox: Show and Tell for Techies

Creative Sandbox was designed to spark the imagination of agencies by showing the best uses of Google products and creative possibilities in a high energy environment. The more I think about it, the more we need to have more ‘show and tell’ of what we’re doing in Northern Ireland. There are risks – those of … Continue reading “Creative Sandbox: Show and Tell for Techies”

Creative Sandbox was designed to spark the imagination of agencies by showing the best uses of Google products and creative possibilities in a high energy environment.

The more I think about it, the more we need to have more ‘show and tell’ of what we’re doing in Northern Ireland. There are risks – those of disclosure of unprotected IP – but there is a lot to be gained from showing and telling, not only the Venture Capitalists and Business Angels, but also the everyman, the tourist, the would-be entrepreneur (wantrepreneur).

iPhone Course at the Urban Arts Academy

By now the second day of the Urban Arts Academy course “Beginning iPhone Development” will be well underway. The course started yesterday and has 18 folk, one of whom flew over from England to attend it, sitting down and learning from Philip Orr, programmer for Infurious and Blue Pilot Software. The machines they are using … Continue reading “iPhone Course at the Urban Arts Academy”

By now the second day of the Urban Arts Academy course “Beginning iPhone Development” will be well underway. The course started yesterday and has 18 folk, one of whom flew over from England to attend it, sitting down and learning from Philip Orr, programmer for Infurious and Blue Pilot Software.

iPhone Training Course

The machines they are using are borrowed from Giant Associates, Mac-Sys Ltd and a local school. A lot of this wouldn’t have been possible without some quick thinking from Marty Neill (head bucko at NoMoreArt and Digital Circle Steering Group member), the rest of the folk at Trans and a heap of other folk.

Is this going to create iPhone experts?

Of course not. The attendees range from some who have never used a Mac, to one used to OpenGL|ES programming (the API used to program 3D graphics on iPhone as well as other embedded platforms. mobile devices and some consoles).

What it will do is remove some of the fear for some. And spark an interest for others. For some experienced programmers, they should be able to get a taste for Interface Builder and XCode and see whether jumping to that platform is something they want to do. For others, it’ll be the start of something. Or maybe not.

Infurious at SXSW

Infurious is the only Northern Ireland company attending SXSWi and we’re doing it out of our pocket and without any support from our local economic development agencies. Phil has been partying with the other revelers and marvelling at some of the technologies he’s seeing – real cutting edge stuff …you should see the great stuff … Continue reading “Infurious at SXSW”

Infurious is the only Northern Ireland company attending SXSWi and we’re doing it out of our pocket and without any support from our local economic development agencies. Phil has been partying with the other revelers and marvelling at some of the technologies he’s seeing – real cutting edge stuff

…you should see the great stuff being done in HTML 5.0 and CSS. The amount of people doing web apps are unreal, even Photoshop style applications in HTML and only HTML.

All so nice and fluid, and best about it, there all using Macs.

On top of that, he was interviewed by the BBC and has a feature on their web site

Infurious developed a Comic Reader application that uses the iPhone’s familiar touch interface to navigate between different panes of a comic.
The Comics Engine can also layer audio on to comic pages, embed movies and links to YouTube.
The reader also features multi-layered content pages so readers can find bonus artwork, footnotes and explainers.

As we speak, a dozen or more bands and musicians are heading out to SXSW for the week of music supported by Belfast City Council, the Creative Industries Innovation Fund and Invest Northern Ireland.

Plus ça change

Apogee Press Release: Santa Monica, CA, February 23, 2009 – As of 2009, Apogee Electronics will no longer develop products for the Microsoft Windows platform. Apogee has made this decision in order to focus all research, development, and support resources on the Apple platform with its unparalleled power and stability. Apple offers a wide range … Continue reading “Plus ça change”

Apogee Press Release:

Santa Monica, CA, February 23, 2009 – As of 2009, Apogee Electronics will no longer develop products for the Microsoft Windows platform. Apogee has made this decision in order to focus all research, development, and support resources on the Apple platform with its unparalleled power and stability. Apple offers a wide range of affordable, powerful desktop and laptop solutions ideally suited for music creation and audio production.

A couple of years ago, Wil Shipley wrote about why he develops for the Mac and how it allowed him to score a big fat Lotus sports car.

Frankly, I see this happening more and more in the near future as people change their needs and there are realisations that beyond the FUD, there’s not much difference between Vista and Mac OS X in terms of casual surfer utility and once you break this hold on people, it changes them forever.

I’d like to think that ten years of running NIMUG and five years of running Mac-Sys would mean something in the current tsunami of people coming to the Mac platform in Northern Ireland but in truth we’d have to point at the Apple Store in Belfast as having a huge effect on general acceptance. Actually having a store on the high street was something that I’d considered (but frankly the margins available to me as an Apple Reseller did not permit that – and that’s fine. The Apple Store excels at bringing people to the platform and giving them the basic training skills and Mac-Sys excels at fixing their computers (according to Apple, MacSys has a 93.3% approval rating which put’s comfortably in the top 10% of Euro Apple Service Providers.)

Having a complementary relationship with Apple was always something we strived for. We didn’t have cash flow to sell Apple hardware but there was always room for us to help customers find the best and cheapest place to buy. And we spend hours on the phone every month fighting for value for Mac owners in terms of dealing with insurance companies, Apple Customer Service and other repair companies (who don’t specialise in Mac repair). We’re responsive to the market which is why Mac-Sys now has a “Free on Friday” health check, waiving diagnosis fees for hardware we receive on Fridays, the Enterprise Park is open late on Tuesdays and so is Mac-Sys and lastly, the guys have dropped the charges for picking up hardware – we have guys out in the field already doing installations in homes and offices and it’s going to be a minor detour to have your Mac picked up and dropped off after repair.

Like Apogee, we’ve responded to the market as a result of making the decision to specialise on the Mac platform six years ago as no-one else was doing it in Northern Ireland.

Find your niche, own your niche and when folk in your market tell lies about you, try to resist the temptation to punch them in the mouth 🙂

Irish Blog Awards ’09

I don’t think I’ve mentioned that my better half’s blog has reached the final of the Irish Blog Awards – She’s only been running her blog since November last year but already has more readers, more comments and more subscribers than I do. I’m incredibly proud. She’s an incredibly strong contender and much more … Continue reading “Irish Blog Awards ’09”

I don’t think I’ve mentioned that my better half’s blog has reached the final of the Irish Blog Awards – She’s only been running her blog since November last year but already has more readers, more comments and more subscribers than I do. I’m incredibly proud. She’s an incredibly strong contender and much more readable than my oft-ill-informed rants from here!

We won’t be going down to Cork for the awards (as @dressjunkie works) but we’ll be having our own mini-celebration up in Belfast when we’re with @theronster and @karenquinn. Apparently the bubbly will be out whether there’s a win or not. I love the attitude!

Good luck to the other folks who made it to the finals. We’ll be watching Twitter and living vicariously off your achievements!

Creative Industries Innovation Fund Workshop – Thursday 29th Jan

Today I posted a quick note about a workshop being held in the OhYeah building (with special thanks to OhYeah and NoMoreArt for helping pull it together). The event itself was conceived during an OpenCoffeeMorning conversation between myself and Marty Neill of NoMoreArt – as he puts it, democracy without bureaucracy. The workshop is designed … Continue reading “Creative Industries Innovation Fund Workshop – Thursday 29th Jan”

Today I posted a quick note about a workshop being held in the OhYeah building (with special thanks to OhYeah and NoMoreArt for helping pull it together). The event itself was conceived during an OpenCoffeeMorning conversation between myself and Marty Neill of NoMoreArt – as he puts it, democracy without bureaucracy.

The workshop is designed to help those in the “creative industries” find the time to fill in the forms for the Creative Industries Innovation Fund. I’ve spoken to a lot of people about this Fund and extolled it’s virtues and I hear a lot of the same story – it’s something they’ll get around to.

Well, time is up. The closing date for this first call is Thursday the 5th of February and if you miss this one it’s months until the next. And the best reason in the world to hold a workshop is to help people focus the mind. Ideally we’re aiming for a largish group of people all focussed on filling in their forms and getting the paperwork out of the way.

There will be two sessions: one from 11 am to 1 pm and the second from 4:30 pm to 6 pm. The content for both is the same and it straddles part of lunch and just after work so that people from all walks of life can make some time to come in and at least get the forms.

The workshop itself is not about guidance – it’s not about trying to ensure success – it’s about getting the forms in on time, because if they’re not in then you’ve got no chance. I have invited representatives from the Arts Council (who are managing the fund), NIMIC and NIScreen (who are especially relevant to the digital content industry) and the Digital Circle Steering Group – hopefully an individual might be able to talk to these representatives and maybe get some guidance or inspiration from people who have experience with this sort of thing.

It’s meant to be collaborative, it’s meant to be a learning experience and it’s meant to be a shared social experience. At the most basic level it’s a heap of forms and pens and desks and chairs. What’s more is that it’ll be a collection of people who all have something creative inside them which they feel is deserving of public funding in order to have it realised.

There’s a form for registry – just to help us get an idea of how many people will turn up so I’d appreciate it if people could register beforehand. The format will be informal and it will be about completing forms.

NiMUG meeting tonight…

NiMUG are having their January 2009 meeting tonight. Agenda CrossOver Office- Simon Whittaker to give a demo using Crossover Office on the mac to get outlook/project 2000 etc in a Windows office. He has been a Mac user for about 5 years and uses a MacBook Pro for work and a G4 PowerBook for home. … Continue reading “NiMUG meeting tonight…”

NiMUG are having their January 2009 meeting tonight.


  • CrossOver Office- Simon Whittaker to give a demo using Crossover Office on the mac to get outlook/project 2000 etc in a Windows office. He has been a Mac user for about 5 years and uses a MacBook Pro for work and a G4 PowerBook for home. He works as the Infrastructure & Hosting Manager for a local company where they use predominantly Windows XP workstations and Windows 2003 servers. He says he loves “the ease of use, stability & security of my mac and have found ways over the years to make my experience of working in a windows environment much easier which I would like to share with others. I am also a strong believer in using open source software where possible and practical.”
  • Troubleshooting and Housekeeping – keeping your Mac running during the Credit Crunch!

Hopefully see some of you there…