NiMUG meeting tonight…

NiMUG are having their January 2009 meeting tonight. Agenda CrossOver Office- Simon Whittaker to give a demo using Crossover Office on the mac to get outlook/project 2000 etc in a Windows office. He has been a Mac user for about 5 years and uses a MacBook Pro for work and a G4 PowerBook for home. … Continue reading “NiMUG meeting tonight…”

NiMUG are having their January 2009 meeting tonight.


  • CrossOver Office- Simon Whittaker to give a demo using Crossover Office on the mac to get outlook/project 2000 etc in a Windows office. He has been a Mac user for about 5 years and uses a MacBook Pro for work and a G4 PowerBook for home. He works as the Infrastructure & Hosting Manager for a local company where they use predominantly Windows XP workstations and Windows 2003 servers. He says he loves “the ease of use, stability & security of my mac and have found ways over the years to make my experience of working in a windows environment much easier which I would like to share with others. I am also a strong believer in using open source software where possible and practical.”
  • Troubleshooting and Housekeeping – keeping your Mac running during the Credit Crunch!

Hopefully see some of you there…

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