“The internet experience for the average Mac user is a little different than for the average Windows user.
For a start, Mac users have tabs, which sit on top (or at the side) of the browser and take up space without being truly useful. Mac users like to talk about their standards compliance, and something called “Style Sheep”. However, what they don’t have is a browser that works with all the best web sites, especially those provided by Microsoft friendly banks and utility companies. Oh yeah, and their browsers don’t make that really cool “click” sound just to let you know you’ve clicked on something.
It occurred to me that this might be one reason why Average Joe sticks with his PC.
So, here it is – my bright idea for today. A web browser for Mac that simulates IE’s standard of browsing. I think it’ll be an instant success, right down to the extra special freezeKeyboardAndSleep60ThenBlueScreenOfDeath() function.”
…. normal service to resume momentarily ….