Charity e-Walk….

Covered by the Independent Charity marathons usually involve a lot of sweat, hard work and blisters, but not for one runner, who simply pushed the control stick forwards until he reached the limits of GTA V’s Los Santos. … Super Meat Boy co-creator Tommy Refenes live-streamed the marathon on Twitch, using it to help fund … Continue reading “Charity e-Walk….”

Covered by the Independent

Charity marathons usually involve a lot of sweat, hard work and blisters, but not for one runner, who simply pushed the control stick forwards until he reached the limits of GTA V’s Los Santos.

Super Meat Boy co-creator Tommy Refenes live-streamed the marathon on Twitch, using it to help fund a campaign to buy his diabetic mum an alert dog.

While not particularly gruelling, the walk must certainly have been very boring, with it taking him six hours to walk the length of Los Santos on foot.

With donations flooding in, Tommy also walked the maps of Red Dead Redemption and Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, which took him two hours and nine minutes and four hours and 19 minutes respectively.

It’s not the same as a 6 hour walk, perhaps. But does it require endurance?

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