A Call to Arms

This is a plan that has been bubbling in my head for months now. I ooh at the success of the Welsh Media Tiger, my affectionate name for the re-building of the Doctor Who franchise from something to be forgotten into something that you can barely escape. It took a couple of people, a little … Continue reading “A Call to Arms”

This is a plan that has been bubbling in my head for months now. I ooh at the success of the Welsh Media Tiger, my affectionate name for the re-building of the Doctor Who franchise from something to be forgotten into something that you can barely escape. It took a couple of people, a little convincing and Russell T. Davies found himself exiled to Cardiff with a chance to make something great. And he managed it.

I am convinced there are other gems lurking in the archives within the BBC that need cleaned, polished and presented properly. I’m also convinced that we have the talent and the willingness to make something new. We just need the reasons to get everyone into the room.

This is a call to arms.

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