Get Rid of the Crappy Stuff

I picked this up from Tadhg Kelly: Steve Jobs’s Strategy? “Get Rid of the Crappy Stuff” (It takes courage) And the important quote, from Steve Jobs to Nike president, Mark Parker, from this Fastcompany article: “Nike makes some of the best products in the world. Products that you lust after. Absolutely beautiful, stunning products. … Continue reading “Get Rid of the Crappy Stuff”

I picked this up from Tadhg Kelly:

Steve Jobs’s Strategy? “Get Rid of the Crappy Stuff” (It takes courage)

And the important quote, from Steve Jobs to Nike president, Mark Parker, from this Fastcompany article:

“Nike makes some of the best products in the world. Products that you lust after. Absolutely beautiful, stunning products. But you also make a lot of crap. Just get rid of the crappy stuff and focus on the good stuff.”

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