Apple Store Belfast opens….

Tomorrow morning the Apple Store has it’s grand opening in Belfast and there’s already a herd of MacMacs heading down to queue outside. Murderdrome, the “comic that was banned” will also be there for viewing as well as some T-Shirts being given out to the people at the front of the queue and a resulting … Continue reading “Apple Store Belfast opens….”

Tomorrow morning the Apple Store has it’s grand opening in Belfast and there’s already a herd of MacMacs heading down to queue outside. Murderdrome, the “comic that was banned” will also be there for viewing as well as some T-Shirts being given out to the people at the front of the queue and a resulting competition to win some authentic 2000AD artwork.

I’m in two minds whether to go down early. I have a Hall Pass for the morning to attend so it seems it might be a good idea to go down and have a chat with the poor sods who’ll be sitting out overnight. Five years ago I would have been one of them but for now I want to just watch from the sidelines and then have a poke around once the hubbub has died down. That said, I queued for the iPhone for 2 hours before opening the first time around and for an hour before opening the second time around. This seems different though.

Anyway – if you want to get TWO free T-shirts tomorrow, get into the queue at the Apple Store in the Victoria Centre in Belfast and be near the front.

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