Anyone got cool technology?

…and fancy demoing to four universities in Northern Ireland? The dates are from the 3rd to the 12th of September. We’ve got a couple of cool things, in the areas of 3D visualisation, biological monitoring and games but we could do with a few more. The idea is to demo technology and science to kids … Continue reading “Anyone got cool technology?”

…and fancy demoing to four universities in Northern Ireland?

The dates are from the 3rd to the 12th of September.

We’ve got a couple of cool things, in the areas of 3D visualisation, biological monitoring and games but we could do with a few more. The idea is to demo technology and science to kids who are currently doing their A-Levels. Whether you work in hardware or software, you must have something cool to show off.

0 thoughts on “Anyone got cool technology?”

  1. What about integration of social software in business. IBM has some front running software in that space – Corporate versions of delicious and tagging, with internal blogs/wikis and knowledge discovery software – very cool stuff

  2. A couple of weeks late but appreciated, Paul.

    The social software in business sector is currently hotly contested but feels to me a little like a solution looking for a problem and it will take the market to sort it all out!

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