Russell going to tackle the 100Blogs challenge

As you may have noticed, my 100Blogs challenge stalled at #25 because I was using it to fight my way out of some writers block. I’ll likely pick it up again when I’ve got less to talk about 🙂 The 100Blogs Challenge is a list of 100 Blog titles that Chris Brogan hopes that people … Continue reading “Russell going to tackle the 100Blogs challenge”

As you may have noticed, my 100Blogs challenge stalled at #25 because I was using it to fight my way out of some writers block. I’ll likely pick it up again when I’ve got less to talk about 🙂

The 100Blogs Challenge is a list of 100 Blog titles that Chris Brogan hopes that people will tackle. Chris’ idea is for the community to have addressed all of them but I think it’s a good idea for anyone wanting to up the content on their blog or work through some block issues to start at #1 and aim for the sky.

Russell McQuillan, wireless guy and all-round scout, is giving it a go.

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