On the cusp, what next?

When I was writing RPGs, it was my opinion that we should always have one book “in production”, one about to “launch”, one “in research” and one “winding down” in sales. This, I thought, would ensure that we always had plenty to work on while, at the same time, making sure there was enough money … Continue reading “On the cusp, what next?”

When I was writing RPGs, it was my opinion that we should always have one book “in production”, one about to “launch”, one “in research” and one “winding down” in sales. This, I thought, would ensure that we always had plenty to work on while, at the same time, making sure there was enough money coming into cover costs. As it happened some of the books sold really well, some sold poorly and some sold like hot cakes (in chronological order) and I could have made it a career, if I’d wanted. It didn’t work out that way but it was my first taste of sales, resource planning, production and demand. It was also my first taste of “Real Artists Ship” which is something that I’ll always remember.

Last night in the wee small hours, we debated the release schedule and also the finished products we would release. I’d like to take a moment to ask you, the reader, what you think we should finish first. These are still just “codenames” so bear with us.

  • SyncBridge
  • SyncBridge GE
  • SyncBridge 30


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SyncBridge is the flagship product. The application that will enable you to share and edit the calendars of family, friends and colleagues all using iCal. It’s the biggest product of the three, with the most complexity and obviously the most features! I’m using it at the moment and the flexibility over iCal/WebDAV is simply amazing! I know it’s been “nearly done” for a while now but we want to make sure it’s rock solid for deployment!

SyncBridge GE is the edition of SyncBridge that will allow you to view and edit your Google Calendar from the relative safety of iCal. Progress on this has been very quick and we reckon we could release very soon.

SyncBridge 30 is the edition of SyncBridge that will allow you to use iCal to view and edit your 30Boxes calendars. We’ve needed to feed back some changes to the 30Boxes team at 83Degrees and we’re getting good results from them.

I guess I’m asking you, the readers, what you use. Which has the greatest urgency for you? Do you want SyncBridge immediately so that you can get sharig those calendars with friends and family? Do you want to get jiggy with Google Calendar and be able to edit it and view it offline froma rich desktop client? Are you a big fan of 30 Boxes and can’t consider any other online calendaring solution? Is there another online calendar that you simply cannot do without? We will listen.

After that, we’ll be wanting to talk to you again about other itches that need scratched. Would you care to suggest any? If you poke us, we’ll likely leak some future product ideas in the comments 🙂

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