Are you sure you want to be a software business owner?

A Micro-ISV is essentially what we’re trying to be. Joel has some excellent points. Number One. Don’t start a business if you can’t explain what pain it solves, for whom, and why your product will eliminate this pain, and how the customer will pay to solve this pain. Number Two. Don’t start a business by … Continue reading “Are you sure you want to be a software business owner?”

A Micro-ISV is essentially what we’re trying to be. Joel has some excellent points.

Number One. Don’t start a business
if you can’t explain what pain it solves, for whom, and
 why your product will eliminate this pain, and how the
 customer will pay to solve this pain.

Number Two. Don’t start a business 
by yourself. I know, there are lots of successful 
one-person startups, but there are even more failed 
one-person startups.

Number Three. Don’t expect much 
at first. People never know how much money they’re 
going to make in the first month when their product 
goes on sale.

This sort of thing would give most people nightmares.

0 thoughts on “Are you sure you want to be a software business owner?”

  1. I like Joel’s honest remarks and insight.
    He is ‘mostly’ right but heh who do u c that u agree with all the time.

    Plenty of other sites relating to M-ISV or VSB these days


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