Drone Farming

With virtually unlimited sunshine, Africa may need drones more than roads: “We feel that if drones are going to be used to transport goods, the most logical place is Africa,” Simon Johnson, director of the Flying Donkey Challenge, told Quartz. “Not for humanitarian reasons. We’re not doing this because we feel bad for Africa. It’s … Continue reading “Drone Farming”

With virtually unlimited sunshine, Africa may need drones more than roads:

“We feel that if drones are going to be used to transport goods, the most logical place is Africa,” Simon Johnson, director of the Flying Donkey Challenge, told Quartz. “Not for humanitarian reasons. We’re not doing this because we feel bad for Africa. It’s just the perfect place to start. The fact is, there’s incredible growth happening there, but not a lot of infrastructure. Roads just can’t be built fast enough. So why not use flying robots instead?” Once developed, he says, he hopes the drones can be exported elsewhere, creating a new industry for the first countries to adopt their use. If a remote farm in Kenya can send fresh goods out on a drone, he says, a remote farm in the US could do the same.

I’m reminded of this, from the film “Looper”. Of anything in that film, it stands out. Mostly because the Time Travel subplot is a bit daft but also because it represents exactly the opposite of the urban dystopia that is painted throughout the movie. Why would anyone live in the city when you can seemingly exist outside the urban sprawl in the clean air?

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And then it make me think of this:

Any way you look at it, drones are coming.

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