Get into Tech?

When you see some of the demos available out there, it’s easy to see why so many people get excited by technology. Look at Jeff Han’s Multitouch Demos. Or what Johnny Lee has been doing with Wii Remotes. My favourite has to be this, however. The reaction of a robot sentry. The creator intends to … Continue reading “Get into Tech?”

When you see some of the demos available out there, it’s easy to see why so many people get excited by technology. Look at Jeff Han’s Multitouch Demos. Or what Johnny Lee has been doing with Wii Remotes.

My favourite has to be this, however. The reaction of a robot sentry.

The creator intends to sell them.

There’s a lot of initiatives to get people in schools to get into technology and science as a career as numbers for these disciplines aren’t what the gubmint thinks they need to be. This is why Momentum (my new employer) is running a series of open days for ICT in QUB, UUJ, UUM and UUC in September and why I think it would be great to have some local tech gurus to attend and help explain to schoolkids why they love working in the tech field.

I’ve done about half a dozen of these demo days over the years (long before the whole Digital Circle thing came up) and thoroughly enjoyed them. If you’re interested in contributing and spending a bit of time explaining why tech is a good career choice, then please get in touch. Obviously it helps if you’re IN Northern Ireland, duh!

(PaintballSentry via