Dont often see a full one

Of course I’m going to need to get a better camera. Related posts: The Broadband Blueprint (re DETI Telecoms Consultation) John Donne was full of shit. full of FAIL I’m so full of interesting information, I feel like the latest edition of something or other.

Of course I’m going to need to get a better camera.

..won’t someone think of the children? THE CHILDREN!!!!!!

Ed Curran, columnist and general shithead at The Telegraph writes a urine laden article entitled “Thanks Jonathan Ross, for making BBC clean up the airwaves” in which he gargles: It’s an ill wind … I am hopeful that a new sense of responsibility and concern for public taste will now emerge out of the ashes … Continue reading “..won’t someone think of the children? THE CHILDREN!!!!!!”

Ed Curran, columnist and general shithead at The Telegraph writes a urine laden article entitled “Thanks Jonathan Ross, for making BBC clean up the airwaves” in which he gargles:

It’s an ill wind … I am hopeful that a new sense of responsibility and concern for public taste will now emerge out of the ashes of the broadcasting standards which you and your friend, Russell Brand, set on fire.

While Channel 4 is spending MILLIONS to promote new ideas that will stir up trouble and more importantly make us think, the BBC is now wasting my damn license fee dumbing down their programming to the level of CBeebies?

Fuck that, Auntie Beeb. And fuck you too, Ed Curran.

Roger Ebert reviews eXpelled

John (@bynkii) noted that Roger Ebert reviews the “Intelligent Design” defense flick “eXpelled” which is apparently a “documentary”: Toward the end of the film, we find that Stein actually did want to title it “From Darwin to Hitler.” He finds a Creationist who informs him, “Darwinism inspired and advanced Nazism.” He refers to advocates of … Continue reading “Roger Ebert reviews eXpelled”

John (@bynkii) noted that Roger Ebert reviews the “Intelligent Design” defense flick “eXpelled” which is apparently a “documentary”:

Toward the end of the film, we find that Stein actually did want to title it “From Darwin to Hitler.” He finds a Creationist who informs him, “Darwinism inspired and advanced Nazism.” He refers to advocates of eugenics as liberal. I would not call Hitler liberal. Arbitrary forced sterilization in our country has been promoted mostly by racists, who curiously found many times more blacks than whites suitable for such treatment.

Ben Stein is only getting warmed up. He takes a field trip to visit one “result” of Darwinism: Nazi concentration camps. “As a Jew,” he says, “I wanted to see for myself.” We see footage of gaunt, skeletal prisoners. Pathetic children. A mound of naked Jewish corpses. “It’s difficult to describe how it felt to walk through such a haunting place,” he says. Oh, go ahead, Ben Stein. Describe. It filled you with hatred for Charles Darwin and his followers, who represent the overwhelming majority of educated people in every nation on earth. It is not difficult for me to describe how you made me feel by exploiting the deaths of millions of Jews in support of your argument for a peripheral Christian belief. It fills me with contempt.

How does it make you feel to have followed a reasoning through, been convinced of the arguments and then be compared to the Nazis just because you don’t believe in invisible Sky Masters?

It makes you angry.

Intelligent Design is a lie. During my third year at Grammar School, we were taught Religious Education by Sister Mary-Jo, a Catholic nun who was never far from her guitar. She explained to my class, by all accounts a group of god-fearing but intelligent fourteen-year-olds, that Genesis was a parable – an explanation of the creation of the world which could easily be understood by ignorant goat herds and fishermen more than two thousand years before the first moon landing. Some things, she reasoned, were not meant to be taken literally.

Intelligent Design, at the root, restores the concept that Genesis is the literal truth. And that’s fine if you’re trying to raise a nation of goatherds. But I’d like to hope we’re raising nations of thinkers, scientists, engineers, user interface experts, socio-economic advisors, hairdressers and call-centre salespersons.

Heading North, Looking East

photo posted from my iPhone Related posts: Take a couple of minutes to appreciate genius. Location-aware OpenGov & Crowdsourced Data Looking East Across the Irish Sea…. Map of Free WiFi in Ireland (and the Black North)

photo posted from my iPhone

ZunePhone to Zune WinMo smartphones.

ITNews Australias writes: What do you get if you take an iPhone, remove the clean UI, user friendliness, nice industrial design, battery life, cachet, functional OS, and in general everything else that makes it worthwhile? The new Microsoft phone, powered by Nvidia. I’m sceptical of the truth of this but it does essentially show that … Continue reading “ZunePhone to Zune WinMo smartphones.”

ITNews Australias writes:

What do you get if you take an iPhone, remove the clean UI, user friendliness, nice industrial design, battery life, cachet, functional OS, and in general everything else that makes it worthwhile?

The new Microsoft phone, powered by Nvidia.

I’m sceptical of the truth of this but it does essentially show that life is going to be difficult for Windows mobile licensees.

Blame the poor and needy for the Financial Crisis? Er, no…

Nonny de la Peña writes about blame for the finance crisis being heaped on the poor: Are they kidding? Peddling loans to the uneducated and convincing them they could GET RICH too was every day business. (I seem to recall being taught in high school history that it wasn’t the fault of the poor for … Continue reading “Blame the poor and needy for the Financial Crisis? Er, no…”

Nonny de la Peña writes about blame for the finance crisis being heaped on the poor:

Are they kidding? Peddling loans to the uneducated and convincing them they could GET RICH too was every day business. (I seem to recall being taught in high school history that it wasn’t the fault of the poor for the spiraling easy credit mantras of the 1920’s. It was the fault of the lending machine.)

I absolutely agree.

Let’s be frank here. There is no remorse on the parts of the banks for their actions and responsibility for the current crisis. Blaming some poorly educated schlub who was bamboozled into taking a mortgage they couldn’t afford long term (due to interest rate hikes) is revisionism at best and makes me loathe the banking institutions that dot our landscape – and yes, there’s a certain amount of self loathing due to the year I spent at $BIG_COMPANY which, for all intents and purposes, should shoulder more of the blame than others due to the exorbitant reward paid to their irresponsible, self-serving senior officers. They should be ashamed.

You think I’m being too harsh? Nonny continues.

Take for example, Nicholas Sossidis and Stephen Partidge-Hicks. These two sold the world the idea of the Structured Investment Vehicles (SIV), and since they originated the idea while they were at Citibank

I rest my case. $BIG_COMPANY should be torn apart and fed to the wolves for this.

@dressjunkie gets with the blog

My better half, @dressjunkie, has opened up her proper blog for some content – seemingly taking on the world of lash cosmetics head on. It’s a pretty interesting read even for me, a complete bloke who’s not interested in cosmetics at all. And she’ll be covering some other content on there. I’m keen to see … Continue reading “@dressjunkie gets with the blog”

My better half, @dressjunkie, has opened up her proper blog for some content – seemingly taking on the world of lash cosmetics head on. It’s a pretty interesting read even for me, a complete bloke who’s not interested in cosmetics at all. And she’ll be covering some other content on there. I’m keen to see how it develops, how it progresses into a professional cosmetics career and how she matures the content on there.

So go on, give her some link love, some comments and even just a visit or three.

Councils ban use of “Latin-English” words

They have got to be kidding… A number of local councils in Britain have banned their staff from using Latin words, because they say they might confuse people. Several local authorities have ruled that phrases like “vice versa”, “pro rata”, and even “via” should not be used, in speech or in writing. Other local councils … Continue reading “Councils ban use of “Latin-English” words”

They have got to be kidding…

A number of local councils in Britain have banned their staff from using Latin words, because they say they might confuse people.

Several local authorities have ruled that phrases like “vice versa”, “pro rata”, and even “via” should not be used, in speech or in writing.

Other local councils have banned “QED” and “ad hoc”, while other typical Latin terms include “bona fide”, “ad lib” and “quid pro quo”.

EyeCandy reactions from the general public

(These people are queuing for the Apple Store in Belfast which opened 20th September) Related posts: Translink Annual Report – #freepublictransport Talking about public transport on the Twitters…. Public Education was a challenge in the 19th Century. Public Transport is our challenge. EyeCandy “Masked Marshall” on the App Store.

(These people are queuing for the Apple Store in Belfast which opened 20th September)

What we need is an honest broker…

If anything has been shown by the last month, Apple needs to be an honest broker in the App Store. I can understand the tenuous but poorly explained reasons to reject cartoon violence in Murderdrome but their recent rejection of Podcaster has me flummoxed. This is an application which does not duplicate the podcasts download … Continue reading “What we need is an honest broker…”

If anything has been shown by the last month, Apple needs to be an honest broker in the App Store.

I can understand the tenuous but poorly explained reasons to reject cartoon violence in Murderdrome but their recent rejection of Podcaster has me flummoxed. This is an application which does not duplicate the podcasts download section of iTunes because, unlike iTunes, it permits downloading over the air rather than requiring a re-sync (and with the recent re-appearance of the age long backup this is doubly frustrating).

John Gruber writes about developer concerns:

If you only find out at the end of the development process that your app has been rejected — not for a technical problem that you can address but because Apple deems the entire concept to be out of bounds — then who is going to put serious time and talent into an iPhone app?

Meanwhile, Apple let this shit through:

According to Apple, the staff who deal with developers day to day have no contact with the developers. And there is no appeal process.

Apple, can’t you see how this is wrong?