BOCC Tomorrow

Tomorrow evening, Belfast Open Coffee Club will be meeting at Charlies (the green umbrella shape in the middle of the Google Map link there). I’m speculating that topics will include: OpenCoffee BBQ on the 16th, iPhone 3G and O2’s information flow, game development, Ruby on Rails (and whether it scales), the FailWhale, Digital Circle and … Continue reading “BOCC Tomorrow”

Tomorrow evening, Belfast Open Coffee Club will be meeting at Charlies (the green umbrella shape in the middle of the Google Map link there).

I’m speculating that topics will include: OpenCoffee BBQ on the 16th, iPhone 3G and O2’s information flow, game development, Ruby on Rails (and whether it scales), the FailWhale, Digital Circle and a whole heap on Co-Working. Topics that I don’t think will get a lot of airplay would include Big Brother, the US election nonsense and Starbucks closing an additional 500 sites in the US.

It would be swell if you could make it.

And, Today is my birthday. Happy birthday to me.

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