Ian Robinson writes about Northern Ireland Cocoa Developers
Some of us from Northern Ireland, who were at WWDC, are thinking of setting up a local Cocoa developers group to met and discuss development and technologies related to the Mac OS X and iPhone/iPod touch platform. It is envisioned that there will be periodic meetings, a mailing list, a web page, possibly guest speakers, etc. All this is still to be determined. The following 5 domains have been registered for the group to use:
nicocoadev (.org, .net, .com, .co.uk)
Earlier this week, we took John Kennedy’s idea for XCake.org and launched a wiki. Two years ago I’d attempted to get Cocoaheads Northern Ireland started up but attendance was pretty low. I’m happy to say that there are a lot more people interested now…
[EDIT: This would be a nice topic at BarCamp?]
It would be, so plan a talk!
I would but I don’t know enough to actually TALK
Get a group thing going – Twitter me if you need anything!
I would but I can’t reliably twitter without my iPhone!
Not sure anyone but me will attend anyway…
Well chase people up, I want to be rushed off my feet making space for all these talks come Saturday!
Alternatively, there will be a lightening round after lunch for people who want to talk briefly about something.
How many rooms/simultaneous talks will be on?
Two rooms, two talks running concurrently.