The BBC News weighs in on the iPhone 3G release but the more interesting opinions are in the comments.
Vish of London writes:
“After Apple’s arrogant and blase behaviour over their flaws in the Safari browser, I am going to stick with Nokia. At least their platform is secure and they have decades of experience of designing excellent phones and operating systems.”
Yeah….except that they don’t design their own operating system but rather license it from Symbian. And they don’t design their own browser, they use Webkit in the S60 series….which is the rendering engine behind Safari and would therefore have the same flaws. And their operating system construction is going so well that they just bought Trolltech. Why? Not to get a better browser because, whatayaknow, Trolltech uses WebKit too.
It’s exactly this sort of muddled factoids that mean people stick with Microsoft. And you know what – as long as hackers see Windows as low hanging fruit, it makes life easier for the rest of us.
Sherif Kadry, Houston, TX demands to be known as an entitlement bitch!
“This is absolutely disgusting, I had to dish out about $399 for the iPhone 1.0. I got a sub-par phone which incidentally I had to replace two times because of quality control issues at Apple. Now they release a 3G version that is substantially cheaper, I am more anti-Apple than ever.”
Oh noes! Sherif had to dish out all that money for the iPhone. Someone forced him. This is unpossible!
Yeah, it sucks that stuff gets cheaper but that’s what happens, especially when you buy a 1.0 product that changes the world.
I wouldn’t say I am a Microsoft fanboy but its where most of my experience happens to be (I lead a team of guys who support 1300 windows desktops and laptops). I would have had the same relationship with nokia, I strayed to motorola once, toyed with the odd Samsung but in the end I came back to nokia because it was what I was familiar with.
Then came the iPhone, and it was good. Text messaging is a delight, I always have music with me, I can surf with ease to settle arguments, I get my email on my phone effortlessly (from my own exchange server!!!) and my favorite podcasts are in my pocket. But this is not the best thing, the best thing is iPhone does not crash daily like my old nokia N80; the operating system is not flakey like symbian.
Put simply the iPhone just works. Like so many apple products you are up and running within 15 minutes of taking the thing out of the box and it is wonderfully intuitive. Apple don’t owe me anything, the didn’t force me to by the product, they simply designed a phone that suits me and my life style, a product that I can use to communicate in many different ways.
You don’t hear the guys who buy the first blue ray players complaining that they get cheaper. 5 years ago computers were £1000 now you can pick up something much better for £300.
It’s called progress, apple changed the mobile phone industry and people need to get used to it.
Still, someone still needs to have a long talk with them about adding another button to their mice!!!
Mark, you know that the mighty mouse has multiple buttons?
And that if you’re using a laptop, a two-finger-on-trackpad-click-with-thumb creates a right-click (it may need turned on in system prefs)
I can’t say I agree with the mouse thing. I use Windows daily and I prefer the one button.
I’m most amused by “I can surf with ease to settle arguments”. Are you one of ‘those people’? 🙂
Actually a-hole, I was forced to stick with the phone, it was a birthday present from my wife (which I incidentally paid for it!!), I could not return it, as they say, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned . Here you’re stuck to a two year contract. Two bloody years stuck with a piece of crap apple product. I had to return it twice, once because the battery was defective, and the second time it stopped receiving the network for 2 days (antenna issues). Talk about quality control. Dude I dont like microsoft, dont even use windows on my pc..
Hey Sherif 🙂 Nice to see you drop by.
Sorry you had issues with the iPhone but it’s not everyone’s experience. My beef is your complaint about the new iPhone being cheaper.
You wrote:
So, you were anti-Apple but bought an iPhone. And now they have, a year later, released a cheaper model, you’re even more anti-Apple. That’s simply not rational. Things get cheaper. Especially technology.
Are you deserving future entitlement just because you bought a phone a year ago? I didn’t even mention Microsoft in relation to you BTW. You’re from Texas, right?
Didn’t really fancy being called a bitch honestly. It’s funny how I came upon this I was actually goggling myself and the word bitch comes up beside my name….As I said I did not buy it for myself, but I did pay for it. And yes things do get cheaper but we’re talking a substantial price reduction here? It wasn’t a year ago, February 2008 was when I was burdened with it, i.e. 4 months ago. It’s not the money that pisses me off, its why did they release the bloody phone without 3G in the first place? Again I re-iterate I did not buy it for myself, but I did pay for it.
Yes I was very anti-apple from the get go, what can I say, I have had bad experience with their products yes, 2 Ipods, the iphone and my wife’s ibook G4. Anyway peace man, did not really intend to insult you with a-hole comment, my apologies, it was more a reaction to being called a bitch. Anyway joke’s on me for being stuck with the subpar phone. Now I know not to buy any of their over-rated products….
Look – I didn’t take it personally and I hope you don’t. I laughed when I saw the A-hole comment. Arguing on the internet…well, you know the score. Please don’t take it as anything more than ‘dumbass rants on t’internets’.
Early termination fees aren’t too severe? And then you can recoup some of that by selling the old phone (understandably bad timing due to impending release of a subsisidised new model).
Again, sorry you’ve had a bad experience. I’ve had my iPhone in for repair once but I’m still unable to find a phone that suits me better.
Recoup what you can and hope those Android folks release something compelling.