A bit of a gem for those of us who like to spot self-entitlement whores.
Apple is offering employees in Cork a free iPhone if they:
- Don’t sell it, jailbreak it or allow it to be jailbroken
- No…there is no step 2….
Seems fair enough. It’s a choice for the individual not something they’re forced into. Accept it and the conditions, or don’t. But this didn’t stop a few calling Pat Phelan “panicking about a note they received this morning”.
This has caused a wave of self-entitlement outrage with headlines using the word “blackmail” on Pat Phelan’s blog.
It’s a free iPhone. It’s a choice. If you want the free iPhone, you have to play by the rules. If that’s not something you want to do, then don’t accept the free iPhone.
Self-entitlement whores want the whole cake, of course. I want the free thing but I don’t want to sign up to the conditions that make it free. No fair. Wahhh. You’re given a computer in work but you can’t install Bioshock on it? Wahhh. You get your Sky box for free but you have to pay the monthly fee for a contract in order to get movies and channels? Wahhh. You got a free car but you have to pay for petrol to make it go? Wahhh. You’re a pack of ungrateful wretches the lot of you.
Grow the fuck up. Nothing spoils a Friday more than a pack of whining bitches.
Maybe the little Apple employees mightn’t agree with you.
The main point wasn’t the phone it was that you could loose your job even if you gave the phone to someone who unlocked it.
Of course with your $BIG_COMPANY experience you might have forgot about the small guy.
I didn’t know that Apple had hired ignorant adolescents. Aren’t these adults? Can’t they take some responsibility for their actions?
Again easy fix: if you can’t trust someone not to jailbreak it.
a) don’t get the free iPhone
b) don’t give it to your untrustworthy friend
I mean, DUH
Blackmail? I don’t think Pat really knows what that word means.
Oh, and I think THIS explains why Pat’s really pissed: http://patphelan.net/if-i-was-to-buy-an-iphone-in-ireland/
It seems Apple’s note killed his brilliant plan to get a free iPhone from someone at Apple Cork, and then hack it onto a different network.
Pat’s not pissed about the note, Pat’s pissed because now, if he wants an iPhone, he’ll have to pay for it like all the other proles. Wah.
Or get a job in Apple Cork and abide by their rules…
For the record, Pat, I am ragging on you via blog but I’d rather do it over beer. ie, it’s not personal.
no problems lads 🙂
might be worth noting that I gave away my iPhone it bored me so much on Sept 25th last year. Strictly a Nokia N95 8GB guy
Tsk, Nokia is teh suk.