This morning as I was running early for meetings, I dug out my old Raspberry Pi devices that I have sitting in a drawer. I’m not entirely sure if I have a 2 and a 3 or a 3 and a 4, but I think I’ll boot them later and check.
I was thinking about a Pi 5 because, well, it’s been a whole lifetime since I even booted them. So, with the money burning in my pocket I decided to check them out. Same hardware design (yes, I know it’s slightly different – heavy use of USB-A ports and only one USB-C used for Power.
What about performance. Oh. Dear God.
Yeah, that can wait.
It might be twice as fast as a Pi 4, but honestly I’ve got much more performant hardware lying around. So what would I be using the Pi for?
It’s for the one thing that is kinda missing on the iPad – terminal commands. I can get away with SSH to my server using one of the many ssh programs I’ve got on the iPad but it seems wasteful sending commands to a data centre thousands of kilometres away when I really want to mess with files that are sitting on a disk right beside me.
It can all wait. Maybe the Pi 7….