Tweet this, sucka

The messaging/status service I want is somewhere between a blog and the status message in an instant messenger application. After a quick slap on the head, I’ve finally signed up to Twitter. I’d have preferred Jaiku but like so many Google acquisitions, I have no idea if it’s going to be killed or whether tomorrow … Continue reading “Tweet this, sucka”

The messaging/status service I want is somewhere between a blog and the status message in an instant messenger application.

After a quick slap on the head, I’ve finally signed up to Twitter. I’d have preferred Jaiku but like so many Google acquisitions, I have no idea if it’s going to be killed or whether tomorrow we’ll all be using it and wondering how we did without it.

To be honest, there’s a significant amount of navel-gazing when it comes to Twitter. I want to capture my moods as well as my blog posts. I’m also using PocketTweet to update it via iPhone as $BIG_CORP thinks that status messages sent in short bursts is bad for security.

(Seriously, it’s like IBM in the 70s here. They’d really like us all to be wearing shirts and ties)

Any readers out there care to mention people I should be following stalking?

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