Investigative news blog for Northern Ireland The Muckraker is to follow long-form digital journalism project Matter in publishing a digital magazine where each issue is a single in-depth feature.
The Muckraker Report will publish a digital edition every three months, charging £3 per issue, with investigations covering government and the public sector in Northern Ireland.
The venture will be 100% reader-funded, not accepting adverts and not allowing editorial to conflict with the commercial desires of advertising.
From their own site:
I have a bigger fear than failing. I’m afraid that one day I’ll wake up and I’ll be too old and too exhausted to try and change the status quo, to start a magazine that says “Fuck you!” to power. Better to do it at 23 and fuck it up than to never do it at all.
They need to get a heap of subscribers over a 5 year period to keep the venture going but I’m asking that folk consider picking up a sub, charged pennies for quality investigative journalism in the province. they’ll be asking not only the questions that need asked but also the questions that we are often too ill-positioned or ill-informed to pose ourselves.
You can sign up to be notified. The content may inform, it may outrage and part of me hopes it does both.