Navizon Buddy Finder

Navizon was one of the pioneers of application development for the iPhone and as such I think we’re going to see something cool from them come February when the official iPhone SDK is released. The Navizon Buddy Finder is probably one of the coolest ideas I’ve seen and something I’d be interested in a lot, … Continue reading “Navizon Buddy Finder”

Navizon was one of the pioneers of application development for the iPhone and as such I think we’re going to see something cool from them come February when the official iPhone SDK is released.

The Navizon Buddy Finder is probably one of the coolest ideas I’ve seen and something I’d be interested in a lot, however I think I’d work some on the UI before I would be happy with it. We’re going to see an explosion of IM and VoIP apps for the iPhone around then and I would really like to see location based information being available too.

I want to have lists of buddies, I want to be able to name locations and I want to be able to opt out of some updates easily.

As the iPhone is, in effect, always on, I’d like to be have it send updates to my ‘Status server’ so that instead of seeing

Love Minus Zero – Bob Dylan

in my chosen IM application – I’d have something like:

Unsent – Alanis Morissette
At Home


She’s so Lovely – Scouting for Girls
At the Daily Grind


You’re the First, The Last, My Everything – Barry White
Location Private

As I said, the UI of Buddy Finder isn’t to my taste but I think that’s more a question of polish and it’s amazing what they have achieved and an indication of what they could achieve with a documented SDK and no fear of a firmware update killing their release!

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