The last twenty four hours have been odd. Two people whom I respect and admire (and consider to be both friends and mentors) suggested that, at some point in the future, they’d like to work with me on something. The “something” was a little undefined which, to be honest, made it all the better.
Unashamedly, I am a domain hoarder. Only once has anyone ever contacted me to see if they could buy one of my domains and, of course, it happened to be the one domain that I’ve wanted to hang onto because I’m actually doing something in this space. But this one (below) is a bit special.
It’s essentially taken the place of ‘’ which I originally bought to act as my “consultancy” company identity when I left Nortel. I had intended to focus on removing the IT legacy from forward-thinking companies (something I had enjoyed doing in Nortel) but the opportunity to join someone else’s startup put that on hold. When that crashed and burned (long story), I took the technical team and started “Mac-Sys” (which just hit 9 years old and will be taking the next year to celebrate so watch this space!). is now my personal blogging domain and long it shall remain.
I’m now in the mood for something new. I got the Innovation Voucher I blogged about before and I’m still trying to find the time to get round to doing it. I’ve got a heap of uncertainty facing me in the next couple of months and I’m not really willing to rest on my laurels – nothing is harder on your laurels than resting on them.
So, any free time this weekend will be spent on my new Innovation Voucher-led project and I’ll work on everything else as I sleep.