A new breed of vapourware

Michael Kanellos has the dirt. He tells us that Apple will come out with a new phone and tells us that it will fail. This has got to be some sort of record. A product, that a company has not acknowledged it is developing, will fail, based on projections from a journalist on properties the … Continue reading “A new breed of vapourware”

Michael Kanellos has the dirt.

He tells us that Apple will come out with a new phone and tells us that it will fail.

This has got to be some sort of record. A product, that a company has not acknowledged it is developing, will fail, based on projections from a journalist on properties the company has not claimed, actions from Apple that have not been revealed and just sheer conjecture. This is headline-grabbing at it’s best.

“So when consumers get to that counter at CompUSA, they will debate buying the Apple phone, and even hold it up for a look. But when they whip out the credit card, they’ll probably opt for a Motorola.”

This is why technology journalists should probably be tagged with some sort of indelible dye. And a radio transmitter. So that the rest of us can acknowledge they are living in their little Walter Mitty lives.

He’s not alone of course. There was an article last week claiming that the iPhone had run into trademark troubles because the name “iPhone” is owned by a Canadian company. Are these people shrinkwrapped?

It hasn’t been named, hinted, announced, press released and doesn’t exist so far outside of the fevered imaginations of headline writers in the technology industry.

Fucking idiots.

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