iPhone now #1 in mobile browsers

Frankly it’s getting boring. These ‘names’ in mobile dissing the iPhone because it didn’t have Cut and Paste and On-Device Search? So what – 37 million iPhone and iPod touch devices and no-one seemed too bothered about Cut and Paste or Search. Yes, they’re a nice addition. I’ve used Search more often than Cut and … Continue reading “iPhone now #1 in mobile browsers”


Frankly it’s getting boring.

These ‘names’ in mobile dissing the iPhone because it didn’t have Cut and Paste and On-Device Search? So what – 37 million iPhone and iPod touch devices and no-one seemed too bothered about Cut and Paste or Search. Yes, they’re a nice addition. I’ve used Search more often than Cut and Paste but yes, it may be convenient when I need it – but does it matter.

I mean – it’s late April 2009. The iPhone was released nearly two years ago and this is all the Dvoraks of this world have in their arsenal?

I’m not being a complete fanboi here – the iPhone is not perfect – not by far – but at least it’s showing progress. Having had more than enough exposure to the Blackberry over the last few days, I can confidently say that the device is not popular due to consumer desires (RIM has 25 million subscribers after 10 years. Apple beats it after two) but due to IT department ‘control’ requirements. And Nokia – don’t get me started on Nokia, they’re two years late for a fad. And where’s the rest? SonyEricsson are almost gone from the mindshare, Motorola are gone and the new and shinies are coming from HTC (boring) and LG (Please buy our shit because we put an OLED screen into it.). Wired said in their July 2008 review of the Nokia E71 that it was the legit iPhone killer. Yeah. Didn’t happen.

According to AdMob, iPhone now has 38% of all smartphone traffic. This beats out Nokia with 36%, Blackberry with 11%, Windows Mobile with 6%, Android with 3% and Palm OS with 3%.

And their responses to the iPhone? App Stores. Have you SEEN the Blackberry App World store? It’s embarrassing. Apple’s celebrating their billionth download. The iPhone world is torn between multiple beautiful twitter-apps. On the other hand, the Blackberry offerings look like ass and their App Store is amazingly bereft of content.

Where’s the interest and how many companies are going to get Zuned once Microsoft follows through on THEIR iPhone killer.

But when the only weapon the mainstream mobile media has is:

LOLZ Cut’n’Paste and SEARCH ZOMG!!! LOLZ

These guys are relics. Mobile is a new and vibrant market and these guys are still counting features on a checklist. Where did we see that before? Oh, yes, the PC market. What happened there? All the PC companies died.

Stop counting features. Pay attention to the consumers. The Alpha Geeks have already spoken and you weren’t invited to the party. Smartphones have finally crossed the chasm and you need to sign up or shut up.

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