Sammy Wilson (born 4 April 1953) is a Northern Irish politician and both a Member of Parliament and a Member of the Legislative Assembly for East Antrim.
In June 2008, Mr Wilson became Minister of the Environment, much to the irritation of green and environmental groups. This was because of Mr Wilson’s opposition to the creation of an indepedent environmental protection agency and his support of nuclear power. Mr Wilson was the winner of the Green Party’s Green Wash award – the MLA most likely to damage the environment.
Most recently Our Sammy called a government advertisement campaign on climate change “an insidious propaganda campaign which would not be imposed on people in NI.”
Mr Wilson has also advised Whitehall that such messages can only be promoted in Northern Ireland with his permission and he wants to see what he terms ‘postcode lockouts’ used to prevent them ‘leaking’ into that part of the UK.
You have to remember that Sammy represents the Everyman – a sure indicator that not only can any man get into politics but it doesn’t matter whether they have the intelligence, education or experience to deal with these issues.
Sammy gets his show around the 3 minute mark…
Great stuff! I’m really surprised that his birthday wasn’t 1 April 1953.
That’s retarded. Read the actual scientific evidence instead of the tabloids. If anything Sammy should be made Taoiseach. The ‘Climate Change Crew’ are the only c*nts in the world that by making things look ridiculously bleak are making sure they are kept employed. Ok we need to stop wasting shit, but that doesn’t mean we’re all going to drown because the water levels have risen 100 foot in 50 years. – Green biz now ‘bigger than software and biotech’ – I’m a sceptic now, says ex-NASA climate boss – NASA’s curious climate capers – How you pay for tomorrow’s scares, today – There’s gold in green: profiting from climate change – The New Green Aristocracy – Met Office: Global warming sceptics ‘have heads in sand’ – Arctic ice refuses to melt as ordered – What’s the cost of global warming? – Anti-science Greenies keep Africa poor, says boffin
There’s some irony demanding that we do some research and stop reading tabloids and then posting a heap of links from The Register.
The Register being, of course, the most ridiculous tabloid.
I do feel for Sammy, there is a “Climate Cult” – or more accurately – religion now. Any voice against it is drowned out and opinions counted as wholy wrong.
I have blogged about this just last night.
To be clear, the world is getting warmer, man is accelerating it, but where I depart from the “cult” is that we can’t prevent it. It was a natural warming which we have merely increased, Kyoto et al, only DELAY the increase by about 6 years, so why aren’t we migrating people and preparing the world for our warmer climate? Instead of spunking money on bad science – letsnot forget, the world has been warmer with more co2 and yet the ice caps didn’t melt.
Al gore, his wild claims and bad science have damaged the argument and let people like sammy exist.
More on my blog
I absolutely agree that there is a Climate Cult and it’s just the same as the Y2K-bug cult and the Web2.0 cult and all the rest of the people who are making money out of the here and now.
The environmental models are extraordinarily complex and Kyoto (are we still debating this) are only part of the solutions. Taking factoids out of context does more harm than good. To get people to do anything, to take it seriously, we need them to be thinking this will be important, that the changes will be life threatening. Telling them it’s just going to make things a bit wetter in the summer is not going to make them change anything.
Plus – as I said, the models are complex and the effects are not fully understood. We may find new developments which threaten our way of life in new and terrible ways. The danger of the ice caps melting is not that people will drown or that there will be a warmer climate – one of the potential effects is the redirection of the gulf stream. That’s the thing that stops Ireland from looking like Newfoundland.
Newfoundland Weather Today: 1°C | -11°C
Northern Ireland Weather Today 7°C | 6°C
Yes, these things are apocalyptic but if we don’t take action, people will die and the indecision promoted by characters like Sammy Wilson means that when the effects do occur, it’ll be his supporters who will suffer.
Yup, there is a climate cult.
There is also a ‘there’s nothing wrong with the climate/noting we can do’ cult.
Now, the major difference between these two cults is that the climate cult does actually have some solid science behind it. The other cult is a schizophrenic collection of nuts who one year warn of ‘unstoppable global warming’, the next ‘a coming ice age’.