My ISDN is down….
*insert long belaboured sigh*
Which means that, for the time being, I’m stuck with a little modem router with a 56K modem and refuses to connect at anything faster than 33K. I know it’s not the quality of the lines – it’s the ISP.
Last night I was at a friends house (I mentioned him, Paul) and he has a Cable modem runnign at a spritely 512Kbits. Compared to my ISDN that’s depressing (a massive 128Kbits) but compared to modem hell I’m feeling certainly hard done by.
Course, I should count myself lucky. I live in a church, in a field. I should feel lucky I have a phone at all. Better check NTLBroadband (uh..nope) BTOpenWorld again…
Holy ****
Jinks! It says yes! Holy ****