Apple shows you their interest by where they ship features first.
The first time I noticed this was back in the nineties when Apple produced the “toilet seat” iBooks. They were the first laptops that shipped with built-in WiFi. Looking backwards at the iMac line (and the introduction of USB) confirmed the consumer bias. It was “better” for Apple to introduce these features in new hardware that would have new consumer interest and therefore spur adoption.
You only then have to look at the features introduced to iOS over the years to see where the drive is – from multi-touch to biometric fingerprint sensors. It’s clear their attention has been on IOS to push the platform to new heights.
And most recently the Watch. Apple have added Force-touch and full biometrics to their latest consumer device. They’ve added Force touch to the MacBooks and We will see some of these technologies making their way to the Phone and iPad but it’s unlikely that we’ll see any of them make it to the Mac proper.
We will have to rely on logging into our Macs with plain old passwords, like savages.