On the DigitalCircle web site, we see the following profile:
34% use Chrome
34% use Safari
13% use Internet Explorer
13% use Firefox
2% use in-app Safari (WebView)
1.5% use Android Browser
and the remainders Blackberry, Opera, Opera mini, YaBrowser
42% use Windows
41% use Macintosh
9% use iOS
4% use Android
2% use Linux
and the remainder Blackberry, Firefox OS, Windows Phone and Chrome OS
14% access using mobile, including tablets
34% using iPhone
30% using iPad
8% unknown
6% Galaxy S3
3% Galaxy S2
2% Nexus 4
1.5% using Nexus 7
(and the remainders Blackberry 9800, Lumia 800, Asus EEE Transformer)
Completely unscientific but interesting nonetheless.