Technology in… Education: Unwiring Teachers

Technology in Education is the start a small series of blog posts which I’m grouping together as “Technology in…” The idea is to highlight some novel examples of technology (especially mass market consumer technology) being used in vertical markets – such as Education, Business, Healthcare… Larry Reiff writes about Untethered Teachers I have an AppleTV … Continue reading “Technology in… Education: Unwiring Teachers”

Technology in Education is the start a small series of blog posts which I’m grouping together as “Technology in…” The idea is to highlight some novel examples of technology (especially mass market consumer technology) being used in vertical markets – such as Education, Business, Healthcare…

Larry Reiff writes about Untethered Teachers

I have an AppleTV in my classroom hooked up to a projector. Using my iPad and AirPlay, I can wirelessly mirror any content on my iPad to the screen at the front of the room. The real advantage is evident during collaborative activities. Students can use their own iOS devices to connect to the AppleTV to share their work with the rest of the class. I can be anywhere in the room and still run my lesson. I can pull up sound and video clips on my iPad and instantly share them with my class without being attached to any particular location in the room.

The cost savings are incredible. Most interactive white boards cost between $2500-$3500 per unit. That cost doesn’t include the man hours for installation. You can purchase an iPad, a projector, and an AppleTV for under $1000.

I’d like to see more examples of this sort of thing if you have any.

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