Ed Simpson refers to the recent meeting between the FM and the “community leaders” behind the recent unrest in East Belfast.
I fancy a wee chat with the First Minister. Was going to email him but it seems it’s more effective to lob a brick at my neighbours.
This highlights a problem in Northern Ireland. Get 1000 people behind you and want to get something done by speaking to a minister (any minister) and it’s all “Speak to advisors, make appointments, collect your evidence, ask questions and when nothing is done then get in touch with the public accounts committee”.
On the other hand, get those 1000 people to damage public property, intimidate half the city, attack the civil police force, injure dozens of people and you get the First Minister beating a path to your door AND protecting your identity in the process.
In a real society there would be hundreds of arrests to justify the thousands of pounds of UK taxpayers money spent policing the situation and the thousands of pounds it took to clear the roads of debris and the thousands of pounds it’s going to take to repair the roads. And we’re still two weeks away from the Twelfth (the traditional time of year when half the population imposes their bigotry on the other half with wanton destruction of property). And when nothing is done, is it any wonder that dissidents become more active? ( I’m told there won’t be many arrests because Sammy in the PSNI won’t arrest the rioting, law-breaking violent thug of a son of Mervin because they’re both mates down the Lodge? What the fucking fuck? )
To my middle of the road, Union-supporting, raised-as-Catholic eyes, this situation is Drumcree all over again.