Digital Circle, my current job, is an ERDF-funded project supported by InvestNI. The project ends in early April 2011 so I’ve a few months to start thinking about what to do next. There are quite a few choices so I fired up Omnigraffle and drew a map of them. I’ve annotated a few of the choices with the costs/risks/rewards of each on my private copy but it’s a document I’d quite like some feedback on.
Mindmapping the future
Digital Circle, my current job, is an ERDF-funded project supported by InvestNI. The project ends in early April 2011 so I’ve a few months to start thinking about what to do next. There are quite a few choices so I fired up Omnigraffle and drew a map of them. I’ve annotated a few of the … Continue reading “Mindmapping the future”
What’s your dream job? Do any of these choices move you closer to it?
It’s a simple choice Matt: Own Company->ARG/Games + Augmented Reality(EduTech)