Twitter is a bit like gravity. Everything seems to revolve around it. So times like now, when Twitter is down, means you involve yourself in other things. You catch up on RSS, read a book, check our Waves, send that email you meant to send.
Twitter started as a method of texting a number and having that shared to a group of friends. Insanely great idea.
But that’s not what Twitter is now and I think that’s kinda sad. A group based short message broadcast service would be useful to me.
I guess I’m thing about this in the wake of Google shitcanning Wave. Wave, for me, was a conversation tool as much as a collaboration tool. And I wish that Twitter could regain some of that. I guess I want an IRC-style relationship through group based short messages. I want groups: like the tabletop gamers, the video gamers, the game developers, the open data folks – and it would be great to see a Twitter-like service which was utterly focussed on the groups.