“I love making great Mac software, and after eight years product-managing Photoshop, I’ve been asked to help lead the development of new Adobe applications, written from scratch for tablet computers. In many ways, the iPad is the computer I’ve been waiting for my whole life,” Adobe’s John Nack said in a blog post Thursday. “I want to build the most amazing iPad imaging apps the world has ever seen.”
Bravo, John, bravo.
And most of us who grew up with Adobe want to see some of the most amazing imaging apps the world has ever seen. What we don’t want to see is Lee whining. Or giant passive-aggressive adverts in the newspapers. Or bluster about how open Flash is. Open up the code to Photoshop and then we’ll talk.
But I am sincere – make some amazing apps. Make them shine with touch, make them sing with a bluetooth keyboard, make them boot in a second, with support for instant save and multiple levels of undo. Make Adobe the only logical choice for imaging.
And while you’re at it, resurrect Frame and get it on iPad.
Nack also speculated that raising his concerns could hurt Adobe’s iPad effort. “Can you imagine a world where, say, constructively criticizing Microsoft could destroy your ability to ship a Windows application? It’s almost unthinkable, and yet that’s the position in which Apple’s App Store puts us,” Nack said.
Don’t go there, John, that way lies whining.
This was the case for Microsoft partners back in the day. This is part of the evidence for the toothless antitrust case because this sort of shit matters when a company has a near total monopoly. Apple doesn’t have a monopoly.