I got one of those “The sender didn’t pay enough postage” leaflets through the door on Wednesday from Royal Mail and so I dutifully tripped down to collect it. The bill for the trip was seventeen pence for the unpaid postage, forty pence paid for parking and a pound to the Royal Mail for handling it. This obviously doesn’t count the cost of my time: which is pretty much the most valuable thing I have.
The end result – fucking junking mail from Curtis Cars (Peugeot) of Newtownabbey.
So, for 17 pence, Curtis Cars (Peugeot) just bought themselves a page on my blog describing how annoyed I am.
The lesson here – either just email your junk mail (and get filed like the Viagra and 411 scams) or do the right research and put the right amount of damn postage on the envelope.
So, I’ve called them and asked them to take me off the mailing list. They have offered to re-imburse me which I’ve declined. Apparently it was a mixup with the postage blah blah blah I don’t care.
i also got one as well and received the same response – mix up with their postage.
its not on and as for re-imbursement, if i sent them a bill for my time they would probably ensure it never happens again.
Why complain if you decline to be re-imbursed?
Yes, because being reimbursed £1.17 really would make all the difference.
Parking costs + my time would not be reimbursed.