Project 49

The real boost I’ve received this year towards getting some time on the water was on the 1st August which some may recall as being my wedding anniversary. My wife bought me a pair of sailing sunglasses and a hefty book on sailing. I’ve read through most of the book but find myself now wanting … Continue reading “Project 49”

The real boost I’ve received this year towards getting some time on the water was on the 1st August which some may recall as being my wedding anniversary. My wife bought me a pair of sailing sunglasses and a hefty book on sailing.

I’ve read through most of the book but find myself now wanting to put some of it into practise. In the absence of time on the water, however, I’ve started to buy a couple of sailing magazines every month and also started contributing to their online forums. My contributions there have won me a Helly Hansen hat and also given me an idea for a cool app – the basics of which are on the Code4Pizza site.

So – what is Project 49?

Project 49 is simply a description and a journal of everything I’m going to do over the next 12 years (until I’m 49) to get myself sea-worthy and get my own boat. Ideally I will get a smaller weekender to practise with at some point and make a few friends who want to spend time afloat. The culmination, the finale of Project 49 is stepping off the pontoons here or in Belfast and disappearing around the world under sail.

I’ve got a lot of work ahead of me.

0 thoughts on “Project 49”

  1. well your the right side of Bangor for that, sorry, (in my most posh voice) Balyholme. Theres no way your 49 in 12 years (thought it was less than that lol)

    Why not join one of the local sailing clubs or establishments in the immediate vicinity to you?

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