It works on Safari nightlies on Leopard and Windows. It works on any iPhone with OS2 or better. So any recent WebKit build will be able to o this – eventually every modern Mobile Phone will run this (WebKit is the core of Safari, Google Chrome, ChromeOS, Android, Palm’s WebOS and Symbian’s S60). It runs and it runs well – not causing the CPU to have a hissy fit (like Flash on Mac OS X) and not stuttering on iPhone either.
It highlights what can be done with HTML/CSS.
It also doesn’t work on FireFox. Bleh.
My experience of Flash Lite on mobile devices has been particularly poor. On my Nokia N800, it runs but man, it’s awful.
I’ve just noticed that, at least on my install of Safari on 10.5, it’s actually quite botched up. Instead of nested cubes, it’s simply a rotating two dimensional image.
Are you using a Safari nightly build?
That’s the result on the current release version of Safari or Chrome. Try it on your iPhone. Or on a Nightly.