I’ve been in San Francisco since Saturday, facilitating a group of 30-odd engineers from home who are attending the Mac, iPhone and IT tracks here at Apple’s World Wide Developer Conference (WWDC). They’re also lapping up the sessions in WebKit development and learning the latest and greatest WebKit tools and techniques – so much so that the Web deserves it’s own track.
I’ve not managed to get into many sessions – but that’s okay – because I’ve been working on what is important for delivery of this strategy. Talking to Venture Capitalists and Business Angels, talking to international companies who are interested in taking advantage of our top-class developers and long history of technical excellence and trying to find some deal flow out of it all.
I’ll not be blogging properly until after I get back so you’ll have to be patient. I’m back this coming weekend and I’m not jetlagged as much as I was at the start of this trip (waking at 4 am now).
I miss home though. Am thinking of my family pretty constantly.
You’re a trooper, keep up the good work!