Channel 4 just published some results of a survey into how “young people” interact with the telly, with the web, games and each other.
- They personally own 8 devices (including MP3 player, PC, TV, DVD player, mobile phone, stereo, games console, and digital camera)
- They frequently conduct over 5 activities whilst watching TV
- 25% of them agree that “I’d rather stay at home than go on a holiday with no internet or phone accessâ€
- A quarter of young people interviewed text or IM (instant message) friends they are physically with at the time
- They have on average 123 friends on their social network spaces
- And the first thing the majority of them do when they get home is turn on their PC
Above all, youth’s obsession with technology is around communication.
What they took out of this was:
The TV is still young people’s most popular way to consume media, though in terms of time spent, TV time is pipped to the post by spending time on the internet.
I’m only really bothered by the words “consume media”. I rarely watch TV programmes linearly and spend a lot more time “consuming media” using my phone or notebook computer. In addition – using blogs, tools like twitter, I’m involved in the creation of that media – be they debates, micro-conversations or social plans.
I’d be interested in seeing what percentage of ‘old fogeys’ like myself would agree with the bullet points listed above. Do you watch TV with your laptop and mobile? Ever sent a message via text or Twitter to someone sitting in the same room? (I’ll excuse husbands and wives texting each other in interminable visits to relatives with the sentiments “Can we go yet?”)
So, what about you? Are you a digital native or a digital immigrant, new to these shores?
Matt Mate, I gave away my tv, dvd player and (yes, vhs video player) about a Month ago and dont miss them at all. I realy only watched newsnight or any other specific geeky stuff that caught my eye. The caveat is, though, the fact that I have the other devices (laptop, iphone etc) providing media for me. The difference is, though, I select what I want and it is “using” these devices – was it Jobs said that you turn on a TV when you want to switch your Brain off, and use a computer when you want to turn your brain on, or something like that.
It did come to me when watching my nieces in a row in front of the tv, that, aside from the very occasional moment of visible emotion, they were esentially passive and their expressions were all identical – zoned out and almost zombie like if you know what I mean.
That, and the very idea and concept of TV licencing grinds my gears in so many ways.
Im not exactly on an Anti-tv crusade or anything (some interesting stuff on tv licencing on – do i need a licence using iplayer?) but i think it si being replaced somewhat.
And Im as bad – never anywhere without my phone etc but these devices are two way in a lot of the way they work. Its Big brother time again Matt, I think I made the right decision….