Google Calendar now supports CalDAV/iCal

Anyone who has followed this blog for any length of time knows that’s quite poignant. Here are the instructions. Related posts: Who wouldn’t choose Google over Microsoft? Me and Google Google Calendar? 30 Boxes? Yahoo!? Don’t like Outlook? Get Chandler. (or iCal Server…) (or…)

Anyone who has followed this blog for any length of time knows that’s quite poignant.

Here are the instructions.

0 thoughts on “Google Calendar now supports CalDAV/iCal”

  1. Oops, meant to say CalDAV…

    I’m thinking about getting back into using a calendar service again but would prefer that _my_ data resided on _my_ server.

    I might just have to go back to Google’s offering and just use the web interface during the day job when I’m on a Linux desktop.

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