From the biscuit, the command-line meme: On my Mac: MacBook-Pro:~ mjohnstn$ history | awk ‘{a[$2]++} END {for(i in a)print a[i] ” ” i}’ | sort -rn | head -10 69 cd 55 ssh 42 ls 38 ping 37 say 31 top 23 ifconfig 23 curl 19 sftp 15 whois I must say, Steve is a … Continue reading “Command Line History meme”
From the biscuit, the command-line meme:
On my Mac:
MacBook-Pro:~ mjohnstn$ history | awk '{a[$2]++} END {for(i in a)print a[i] " " i}' | sort -rn | head -10
69 cd
55 ssh
42 ls
38 ping
37 say
31 top
23 ifconfig
23 curl
19 sftp
15 whois
I must say, Steve is a ‘ls’ freak.
I thought you’d be game 😉
i’m game for any old crappy meme. Getting that command onto my mac was more of an exercise…
180 ls
97 cd
38 less
28 pwd
15 bcp
12 exit
10 vi
8 ps
7 tail
6 ptree
jearle@sausages$ history | awk ‘{a[$2]++} END {for(i in a)print a[i] ” ” i}’ | sort -rn | head -10
240 ssh
43 host
20 curl
18 svn
18 sudo
15 scp
12 cat
11 pg