Health care: a basic human right

Neil Gaiman writes about healthcare: I was born and spent the first 2/3rds of my life in the UK, in a world in which health care was simply a human right. You got it, like an education, by virtue of being alive. And then I came to America and simply it isn’t that way here, … Continue reading “Health care: a basic human right”

Neil Gaiman writes about healthcare:

I was born and spent the first 2/3rds of my life in the UK, in a world in which health care was simply a human right. You got it, like an education, by virtue of being alive. And then I came to America and simply it isn’t that way here, and, even after 16 years, that still keeps surprising me.

He also sends a link to Caitlín R. Kiernan‘s blog. She’s not very well.

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