The National Lottery was crowing last night about how this weekend’s draw will be a final rollover that must be won as it can’t rollover. One question would be why not (and what happens if it doesn’t? Does someone pocket it?)
I talked to A. about what we’d do with £95 million and quickly realised that I’d not much use for £95 million. Charity would do well out of me, family would be helped and the rest – well – I think I’d set up a local WiFi company to bring ubiquitous internet to cities and towns in Northern Ireland.
After that…it wouldn’t matter. I’m not greedy.
Once I’ve settled everyone around me (houses for everyone! weee!) it’ll be straight into getting the British comic book industry on its feet – there’s a folly if ever there was one.
– pj
Q. Yeah, how do you make 10 million quid in the British?
A. Spend 95 million quid.