
Ed Finegold says Forget the iPhone—Give Me an iClone The iClone, as it’s being called, is itself a bit of a mystery. The PopSci writer who flew to China to see it was denied the opportunity at the last minute, but gave the distinct impression that demand for this device is growing faster than perhaps … Continue reading “iClones.”

Ed Finegold says Forget the iPhone—Give Me an iClone

The iClone, as it’s being called, is itself a bit of a mystery. The PopSci writer who flew to China to see it was denied the opportunity at the last minute, but gave the distinct impression that demand for this device is growing faster than perhaps Meizu anticipated. Reports suggest that this handset is at least the equal of the iPhone, and may even be superior in its ability to interact with various types of networks, utilize various applications, and support languages from around the globe.

Does anyone think that the Meizu iClone will be similar to the iPhone in any reality?

LG have tried it. Gizmodo reported:

The LG Prada phone may look like the iPhone and it may behave like the iPhone–what with its black finish and touchscreen–but it’s not the iPhone. You can fool yourself all you want, but you’re just going to end up paying for this and the iPhone. Oh well, at least the LG’s a little smaller.

HTC have tried it. Peter Svensson described the HTC Touch, oft touted as an iPhone killer as the worst phone I’ve tried in the last few years..

But even with a stylus, the Touch is full of problems. When I turned the screen on, I often found it cluttered with inscrutable Windows error messages that I sometimes had to perform a reset to get rid of. The Windows Media music player would skip while playing MP3s, making it useless. For every digit of a phone number you tap, there’s delay before it appears on the screen.

I think it’s hilarious that people tout these devices, before they are released, as “killers”. Let’s see what it brings. My guess: it’ll be yet another cheap knockoff using Windows Mobile to emulate something better. Whoop-de-feckin-doo.

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