Getting down with the Leopard

In mere hours now, people all over the world will be cracking open cases of Leopard and drinking deep of the experience. For our part we’ve been developing using the developer seeds from Apple’s Developer Connection and then testing on Tiger for compatibility. Why? There’s several reasons: 2 Million Macs sold last quarter. 1 million … Continue reading “Getting down with the Leopard”

In mere hours now, people all over the world will be cracking open cases of Leopard and drinking deep of the experience.

For our part we’ve been developing using the developer seeds from Apple’s Developer Connection and then testing on Tiger for compatibility. Why? There’s several reasons:

  • 2 Million Macs sold last quarter.
  • 1 million iPhones sold last quarter
  • Untold numbers of iPod touch and Apple TV models sold

and these will all, from tomorrow, run Leopard (truth be told iPhone/iPod touch are already there).

We’ve been enjoying working with Interface Builder 3 and the rest of the new tools and we’ll be over at Mac-Sys on Friday to see if their copies of Leopard have arrived….

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