this useful link shows the coverage pages from the major mobile data providers and I continue to be amazed that they can say they provide coverage. Even just trying out 3G coverage in Belfast is disastrous. (note: some links have moved so just search around a little).
Orange, my constant companion and thorn in my side, claims 3G coverage all over Belfast. Which is why the majority of the time I’m connecting using GSM internet and getting a whopping 3K a second or something. The little 3G coverage indicator on the phone is constantly available right until I actually start to connect and then it drops out and with it goes my speed.
This is why 3G isn’t going to the answer. This is why we need someone to provide metro-WiFi in Belfast.
Worse…we ain’t even got decent 3G coverage and they’re all talking about 4G now. It’s all a smokescreen in my opinion so they don’t have to actually finish deployment of anything.
— Annoyed mobile internet user
I agree some services can be flaky but coverage is getting better.
I’m currently on 3 and I’ve had no problems watching mobile TV and using other 3G services in and about the Belfast area.
Actual coverage link for 3 has moved to here –
The map isn’t very detailed though. Looks like Co. Down is in the dark!
3 claim to be the biggest 3G in the UK…maybe worth considering for 3G.
I hear nothing but good things about 3 these days. hmmmmm
Sadly I’m going to base my future provider on who can offer me the iPhone.