SkypeIn works….from local land lines. *sigh* It doesn’t work from my mobile (Orange network). This is an improvement considering the problems I was having before but it’s still a pain in the butt. Skype have STILL not gotten back to me on resolution from the original report (can you believe it was MARCH) and I’m losing faith in them which peeves me because I have invested time and money in Skype solutions for myself and clients. I have a mostly useless Belkin Skype phone here.
Orange. Bill for £185 this month. “Billing error” apparently. They forgot to take note of the inclusive minutes and texts. If I’d not noticed, I’d have just been wondering why I was feeling tapped this month. Reminds me all that we are to these companies is a monthly Direct Debit. They didn’t seem to notice that my bill this month was more than THREE TIMEs higher than it has ever been and was actually 8 times larger than it should be. At least they’ve promised to get back to me with something as soon as they can which is streets ahead of the “when we can be bothered” you get with Skype.
At this point I cannot recommend either service to clients. Big companies just don’t get to be this sucky.
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