I make bees look idle.

One of the biggest problems with being involved in several things at once, is that there comes a time when everything just piles up and you end up with a Gridlock Day.

One of the biggest problems with being involved in several things at once, is that there comes a time when everything just piles up and you end up with a Gridlock Day. This is different to a Groundhog Day 🙂

I’m having one of those days today.

The clutch went on my car yesterday afternoon and I spent the afternoon doing two things.

1. Cursing that I didn’t go for the All-you-can-eat-as-long-as-it’s-less-than-1-GB-per-month data service.
2. Playing mini-Golf on my new phone.

This was because I needed to wait for my car to be recovered and brought to the garage. To their credit, the garage was very prompt, provided a courtesy car and I’m now road-worthy again. They also managed to give it a full service (though I have to pop back Monday for a new radiator). If I hadn’t been in the middle of nowhere I might have spent more time getting my mail but I kept myself busy enough. Some of those mini-golf holes are really quite ingenious.

Anyway, that was yesterday.

Today I’m playing catchup.

Seeing clients (WiFi network installation, image server crashing), working on web sites, discussing designs, finding two new graphic designers and chasing down advertisers for one of the web sites has been the majority of my day.

And tomorrow I will do today’s work….

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