Miss Rogue asked on her blog,
What means more to you? Money or Human Life?
End of the day, we’re decent people and we think “Human Life, obviously” but I’m not sure we’re being honest with each other there.
Are we talking ALL human life? Or just one? Is that one person a nice person? Are they a scumbag? If they’re a scumbag, then how bad are they really?
And for those of us that categorically said “human life obviously”,
How many of us exceed the speed limit? I don’t just mean, a little bit or just when overtaking? How many of us drive at speeds considerably lower than the speed limit from day to day? Based on what I see from day to day: not many.
What would you give to save another human life? All of your money? All that you have now? All you will ever earn? To save a life knowing that for the rest of your life you’ll be in abject poverty?